

バイデン米大統領の施政方針演説について(2) ~後ろ向きの政策~

Second, the American Families plan will provide access to quality, affordable child care. We guarantee that low- to middle-income families will pay no more than 7% of their income for high-quality care for children up to the age of 5. The most hard-pressed working families won’t have to spend a dime.


Third, the American Families Plan will finally provide up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. No one should have to choose between a job and paycheck or taking care of themselves and a loved one – a parent, spouse, or child.


And fourth, the American Families Plan puts money directly into the pockets of millions of families. In March we expanded a tax credit for every child in a family. Up to a $3,000 Child Tax Credit for children over 6 — and $3,600 for children under 6.  With two parents, two kids, that’s up to $7,200 in your pocket to help take care of your family. This will help more than 65 million children and help cut child poverty in half this year.

(そして4つ目は、アメリカン・ファミリーズ・プランは、何百万もの家族のポケットに直接お金を入れます。3月には、家族の子供全員に対しての税控除を拡大しました。6歳以上の子供には最大3,000ドル、6歳未満の子どもには3,600ドルの児童税控除となります。 両親2人子供2人の場合、最大で7,200ドルがポケットに入り、家族の世話を助けます。これにより、今年6,500万人以上の子供たちを助け、子供の貧困を半減させるよう促すでしょう)



It’s time for corporate America and the wealthiest 1% of Americans to pay their fair share. Just pay their fair share. A recent study shows that 55 of the nation’s biggest corporations paid zero in federal income tax last year. No federal taxes on more than $40 billion in profits. A lot of companies evade taxes through tax havens from Switzerland to Bermuda to the Cayman Islands.

And they benefit from tax loopholes and deductions that allow for offshoring jobs and shifting profits overseas. That’s not right. We’re going to reform corporate taxes so they pay their fair share – and help pay for the public investments their businesses will benefit from.


