

バイデン米大統領の施政方針演説について(1) ~社会福祉主義~



Wall Street didn’t build this country. The middle class built this country. And unions build the middle class.




Decades ago we used to invest 2% of our GDP on research and development. Today, we spend less than 1%. China and other countries are closing in fast. We have to develop and dominate the products and technologies of the future: advanced batteries, biotechnology, computer chips, and clean energy.



To win that competition for the future, we also need to make a once-in-a-generation investment in our families – in our children. That’s why I’m introducing the American Families Plan tonight, which addresses four of the biggest challenges facing American families today.



First, access to a good education. When this nation made 12 years of public education universal in the last century, it made us the best-educated and best-prepared nation in the world. But the world is catching up. They are not waiting. 12 years is no longer enough today to compete in the 21st Century. 

That’s why the American Families Plan guarantees four additional years of public education for every person in America – starting as early as we can. We add two years of universal high-quality pre-school for every 3- and 4- year-old in America. 

The research shows that when a young child goes to school—not day care—they are far more likely to graduate from high school and go on to college. And then we add two years of free community college. And we will increase Pell Grants and investment in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal colleges, and minority-serving institutions.

Jill is a community college professor who teaches today as First Lady. She has long said any country that out-educates us is going to outcompete us – and she’ll be leading this effort.


 ですから、アメリカン・ファミリーズ・プランでは、できるだけ早い時期から、米国のあらゆる人にさらに4年間の公教育を保証します。また、米国の3歳児と4歳児には、質の高い幼児教育を2年間付加します。 調査によると、幼児が保育園ではなく学校に通うと、高校を卒業して大学に進学する可能性がはるかに高くなることがわかっています。さらに、無料のコミュニティカレッジ2年間付加します。そしてペルグラント(米国連邦政府が大学への支払いに必要な学生に提供する助成金)と、歴史的に黒人の多い大学、部族の多い大学、マイノリティに配慮した教育機関への投資を増やします。


