

バイデン米大統領の「シナ人権弾圧」擁護発言について(2) ~ずれた論点~

Cooper asked, “When you talk to him, though, about human rights abuses, is that as far as it goes in terms of the US, or is there going to be any actual repercussions for China?”――news.com.au, Feb 18, 2021


Mr Biden replied, “Well, there will be repercussions for China, and he knows that. What I’m doing is making clear that we are going to reassert our role as spokespersons for human rights at the UN and other agencies that have an impact on their attitudes. China is trying very hard to become the world leader, and to get that moniker and to be able to do that, they have to gain the confidence of other countries. And as long as they are engaged in activity that is contrary to basic human rights, it’s gonna be hard for them to do that.”―― ibid.



He added, “But it’s much more complicated than that, I shouldn’t try to talk China policy in 10 minutes on television here.”―― ibid.



Xi’s policy toward the Uighur Muslim people is particularly evil. It’s not just that these innocent Chinese citizens have been thrown into reeducation camps as punishment for their cultural identity. Nor is it just that the Uighurs have then been forced to abandon their sacred values. It is also the fact that the Uighurs have been forcibly sterilized, prostituted as sex slaves, and used as slave labor. This stuff is evil in any culture and certainly not a cultural norm in a society and under a government that tries to conceal and deny it. ―― The Washington Examiner


Former President Donald Trump should have condemned these human rights atrocities more loudly, but his actions against Xi’s abuses were nevertheless significant. Led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the United States recognized the treatment of the Uighurs as a genocide. The Trump administration also imposed sanctions on Chinese officials responsible for Beijing’s crackdown in Hong Kong. These actions forced Xi to address rising international criticism. Biden should be building on that legacy of moral action, not dancing around it. ―― ibid.
