

地球温暖化主義者について(1) ~トランプ氏の皮肉~


In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you! ― 11:28 AM - Jan 29, 2019









 「Urban Dictionary」は、地球温暖化主義者(global warmist)には次のような特性があるとしている。

1) An absolute belief that humans are primarily or even completely responsible for causing a mass climate change which will raise the average temperature of the planet.


2) Will not entertain the idea that it is possible that natural phenomena may cause climate change, regardless of any evidence.


3) Believes it is a good thing to throw billions upon billions of dollars at an idea that may or may not work to stop climate change, "just in case."


4) Believes that natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes are an indirect result of humankind's actions to cause climate change.


5) Shouts down, puts down, and insults anyone whose beliefs run contrary to their own, rather than having intelligent discourse. A zealot for their cause.

(知的に会話するよりも、むしろその人の信念が自分の考えに反する者は誰彼となく怒鳴りつけ、こき下ろし、侮辱する。 自分たちの信念の狂信者)【続】